por Andreo Salud | Oct 12, 2021 | Legal
TEMPORARY RESIDENCY AFTER BREXIT If you are a British Citizen who want to apply for SPANISH RESIDENCY AFTER BREXIT and obtain your TIE Card in Spain under the Withdrawal Agreement, this is the blog you should read. CAN I GET SPANISH RESIDENCY AFTER BREXIT? The answer...
por Andreo Salud | Abr 26, 2021 | Legal
Living Will (Vital Will) and advance directives for medical decisions in Spain If you want to decide about your medical treatment in case of illness or inhability to express your decisions, you should sign a Living Will or Vital Will in Spain. How is “Living Will” in...
por Andreo Salud | Abr 23, 2021 | Legal
How to get divorce in Spain? If you are not Spanish, but you have been resident in Spain, you can get divorced in Spain. Getting a divorce in Spain is a relatively straightforward process provided both parties agree on the appropriate arrangements for children and...
por Andreo Salud | Mar 17, 2021 | Legal
WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THE MORTGAGE CANNOT BE PAID IN SPAIN? UNPAID MORTGAGE IN SPAIN If your mortgage in Spain is in arrears, do not worry. REUTERS SOLICITORS has the solution for you. WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU STOP PAYING THE MORTGAGE IN SPAIN? Depending on the number of...
por Andreo Salud | Mar 15, 2021 | Legal
POWER OF ATTORNEY FORM IN SPANISH POA A Power of Attorney (POA) is a legal document or written authorisation that must be signed in front of a Notary by which you empower an experienced and trustworthy person to act on your behalf in legal matters or transactions....
por Andreo Salud | Mar 11, 2021 | Legal
DUPLICADOS O COPIAS DE TARJETA DE CRÉDITO O DÉBITO. Si te han copiado o duplicado la tarjeta de crédito o débito, éste es el blog que tienes que leer. En Reuters Solicitors, despacho de abogados, reclamamos la devolución de las cantidades indebidamente sustraídas en...