por Andreo Salud | Feb 26, 2024 | Legal
WILL IN SPAIN (“TESTAMENTO”) If you own a property or any other assets in Spain, it is highly recommended to make a Spanish Will. By doing a will you could save the beneficiaries of your estate from time, money and distress that may be involved in administering an...
por Andreo Salud | Ene 3, 2024 | Legal
CANCELLING YOUR MORTGAGE AT THE LAND REGISTRY If you economically cancel your mortgage with the bank but never inform the Land Registry, the mortgage will still be registered against the property. Why is important to cancel the mortgage at the Land Registry? If you...
por Andreo Salud | Dic 29, 2023 | Legal
CRIMINAL RECORDS IN SPAIN ARE CRIMINAL RECORDS CLEANED WHEN I SERVE THE SENTENCE? The answer is NO. Everyone convicted by a final judgement, who have extinguished their criminal responsabilities, have to clear their criminal records (background check) from the Spanish...
por Andreo Salud | Dic 28, 2023 | Legal
CONVEYANCING Conveyancing in Spain If you are thinking about buying a property in Spain, this is the blog you should read. CONVEYANCING Reuters Solicitors provides full legal service in relation with property purchases based in Spain. Our English speaking lawyers will...
por Andreo Salud | Dic 27, 2023 | Legal
What to do if you have received court papers in Spain? If you have been arrested in Spain or have recently received documents informing you of a court hearing it is important to obtain legal advice straight away. IT IS ESSENTIAL NOT TO LOOK AWAY. Being outside of...
por Andreo Salud | Dic 15, 2023 | Legal
“Costas procesales” in Spain. If you are immersing in a judicial procedure in Spain, or you are going to start a legal process in Spain, this is the blog you should read. “Costas procesales” in Spain. When you find yourself immersed in a judicial procedure, it could...