Padron or Certificado de Empadronamiento

Padron or Certificado de Empadronamiento

In Spain, there is a local record for people residing in a Town. This local record is called «Padron» and the proof that you are registered and residing in a town is the Certificado de Empadronamiento. If you are told that you need to “empadronarte” this means that...
New Law! Express eviction against squatters

New Law! Express eviction against squatters

Eviction against unknown occupants (commonly known as eviction against squatters) has its own regulation since July 2nd 2018, thanks to the so-called «anti-squatter law». In particular, it is regulated through article 250.1.4º II of the Civil Procedure Law (Ley de...
Cancelling your mortgage at the Land Registry

Cancelling your mortgage at the Land Registry

If you economically cancel your mortgage with the bank but never inform the Land Registry, the mortgage will still be registered against the property. If you decide to sell your property, the buyer will find out that there is a mortgage against the property and he/she...
Anti Money Laundering (AML) in Spain

Anti Money Laundering (AML) in Spain

Anti Money Laundering (AML) in Spain The criminalization of money laundering was added to the penal code in 1988 when laundering the proceeds from narcotics trafficking was made a criminal offense. In 1995, the law was expanded to cover all serious crimes that require...
Divorce in Spain

Divorce in Spain

In this post, we explain you how to get divorce in Spain. Getting a divorce in Spain is a relatively straightforward process provided both parties agree on the appropriate arrangements for children and assets (Mutual Agreement). The divorce law in Spain is no-fault,...