por Andreo Salud | Feb 18, 2019 | Legal
In this blog we will explain you the main points of a mortgage for non residents in Spain. If you are thinking of purchasing a property with finantiation/mortgage in Spain, this is the blog you need to read. How much can you borrow in Spain? When you are a...
por Andreo Salud | Ene 9, 2019 | Legal
In this blog we inform you about how to obtain your Visa document for a Residence Permit in Spain (Tarjeta de Residencia). STAY IN SPAIN If an EU citizen, member of the European Economic Area or Switzerland wants to stay in Spain less than 3 months, it will be...
por adminreuters | Nov 28, 2018 | Legal
Dacion en Pago or Dation in Payment (handing back the keys to the lender) If you are in trouble keeping up with your mortgage payments or you might fall in arrears soon, this is the blog you should read. Definition of Dacion en Pago Dacion en pago (dation in...
por adminreuters | Nov 7, 2018 | Legal
This is the post you need to read if you want your deposit back when you leave the leased property in Spain. Reuters Solicitors give you the clues in order to get the refund of the deposit. Deposit back from the landlord When and how you can claim the deposit back...
por adminreuters | Oct 26, 2018 | Legal
“We give you the main clues in order to choose the proper professional who will deal with your purchase or sale (Conveyancing) in Spain”. 1. Good ways to choose a solicitor The most important thing is to ensure that you are indeed dealing with a solicitor...
por adminreuters | Ago 30, 2018 | Legal
In Spain, there is a local record for people residing in a Town. This local record is called «Padron» and the proof that you are registered and residing in a town is the Certificado de Empadronamiento. If you are told that you need to “empadronarte” this means that...