por adminreuters | Ene 30, 2018 | Legal
Some Spanish mortgage lenders have been overcharging borrowers using illegal ‘floor’ clauses that limit the minimum interest rate they can charge. Borrowers with mortgages in Spain taken out in the boom years could be entitled to a substantial refund. What is a...
por adminreuters | Ene 9, 2018 | Legal, Taxes
“Plusvalía Municipal or Impuesto Sobre el Incremento del Valor de los Terrenos de Naturaleza Urbana (IIVTNU)”, is a local tax administered by Town Halls in Spain which aims to measure and tax the increase in value on an urban property when it passes into new...
por adminreuters | Dic 19, 2017 | Legal
Do you want to leave Spain but you cannot sell your property because of the current market price? Are you unable to cancel your mortgage? Are you thinking about giving the keys back to the bank? We give you the keys in this blog. The collapse of property prices has...